Frequently asked questions.

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How Does Fogmaker Work?

There are three (3) Primary elements: 1) Detection- fail safe no electric input. 2) Suppression- watermist. 3) Monitoring- Alarm panel for operator/ maintenance

How does Fogmaker prevent against Re-flash?

Hot surfaces are cooled below re-flash temperature & any remaining fuel is covered by the AFFF (Foam).

How do you install Fogmaker?

There are 2 options setup for installation. Option #1 OEM execution, or Option #2 aftermarket / retrofit execution.

What Inspections does Fogmaker require?

There are daily (5 min), annual (1 hour), 5 year (2-3 hours), and 10 year (2-3 hours) for Fogmaker that is outlined in the Fogmaker Service Manual.

Can you install Fogmaker on any vehicle?

Yes, Fogmaker is quick and easy to install at any angle in any position. The High Pressure Piston Accumulator design guarantees that the suppressant is completely released regardless of the physical orientation of the cylinder.

What energy sources is Fogmaker designed for?

Fogmaker systems are available for Petroleum fuels, Biofuels, Natural gas, and Hybrid energy systems.

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